Mississauga’s Source for Sunglasses

Contact Us

Protect Your Eyes in Style

Whether you want prescription sunglasses or plano shades, Belco has the pair for you. With plenty of colours, finishes, and styles to choose from, you can find sunglasses that genuinely reflect your unique personality.

Our location is equipped with a state-of-the-art optical lab, which means you get better service and shorter turnaround times on prescription sunglasses.

Visit us in-store to discover your new favourite sunglasses.

Visit us in-store today

Our Location

Corporate Areas We Serve

We are happy to work with businesses and optometrists in the following areas:

  • Toronto
  • Mississauga
  • Brampton
  • Hamilton
  • Oshawa
  • Niagara Falls
  • Northern Ontario
  • Nationwide (Shipping Only)

Our Address

C13 1515 Matheson Boulvard East
Mississauga, ON L4W 2P5

Contact Information

Office Hours

8 AM3:30 PM
8 AM3:30 PM
8 AM3:30 PM
8 AM3:30 PM
8 AM3:30 PM
10 AM2 PM

Please Note: We close on Saturdays during long weekends.

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